地址:北京清华圆清华大学环境科学与工程系 |
◇1993.9 - 1997.9 山东大学 土木工程 本科
◇1997.9 - 1999.9 山东大学 环境工程 研究生学习 因出国退学
◇1999.9 - 2002.11 佩斯里大学 环境科学 博士
◇2002.12 - 2004.7 谢非尔德大学 博士后
◇2004.8 - 2006.3 帝国理工博士后
◇2006.4 - 2007.3 埃克斯特大学 助理研究员
◇2007.3 - 清华大学 副研究员
给水管网水质稳定性控制技术研究与应用, 科技部 863, 2007-2010
农村饮用水解决方案, ITT (中国), 2007
基于GIS的漏损管理平台, 欧盟, 2002
1. Liu, S., Butler, D., Brazier, R., Heathwaite, L., Khu, ST. (2007) Using genetic algorithms to calibrate a water quality model. Science of the Total Environment. 374, 260– 272.
2. Frazer-Williams, R., Avery, L., Gideon, W., Jeffrey, P., Shirley-Smith, C., Liu, S. and Jefferson, B. Constructed wetlands for urban grey water recycling, The International Journal for Environment and Pollution (in press).
3. Liu, S., Makropoulos, C., Memon, F., Butler, D. 2007. An object based household water cycle model: concept and construction. Water Practice and Technology 2(2).
4. Makropoulos, C., Liu, S., Memon, F., Butler, D. 2007. Supporting the choice, siting and evaluation of sustainable drainage systems in new urban developments. Water Practice and Technology 2(2).
5. Memon, F. A., Zheng, Z., Butler, D., Shirley-Smith, C., Liu, S., Makropoulos, C. & Avery, L. 2007 Life cycle impact assessment of greywater recycling technologies for new developments, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Journal , 129, 27-35.
6. Memon, F., A. Fidar, K. Littlewood, D. Butler, C. Makropoulos and S. Liu (2007). A performance investigation of small-bore sewers. Water Science & Technology, 55(4) 85-91.
7. Liu, S., Heathwaite, A.L. and Brazier, R.E., 2005. The univariate analysis for a simple model of diffuse P loss from agriculture land to water. Science of The Total Environment, 344, 1-3, 211-223.
8. Liu, S., Tucker, P., Mansell, M., Hursthouse, A., 2005. Development and application of a catchment scale diffuse nitrate modelling tool. Hydrological Processes 19 2625–2639.
9. Brazier, R.E., Heathwaite, A.L. and Liu, S., 2005 Scaling issues relating to P transfer from land to water. Journal of Hydrology, 304, 1-4, 330-342.
10. Heathwaite, A. L., Dils, R. M., Liu, S., Carvalho, L., Brazier, R. E., Pope, L., Hughes, M., Phillips, G. and May, L. 2005 A tiered risk-based approach for predicting diffuse and point source phosphorus losses in agricultural areas. Science of The Total Environment, 344, 1-3, 225-239.
11. Liu, S., Tucker, P., Mansell, M. and Hursthourse, A. (2003) Application of a water quality model in the white cart water catchment, Glasgow, UK. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 25 (1), 57-62.
12. Memon, F.A., Butler, d., Han, W., Liu, S., Makropoulos, C., Avery, L.M., Pidou, M. 2005. Economic assessment tool for greywater recycling systems. Engineering Sustainability 158 ES3, 155-161.
13. Carvalho L, Maberly S, Heathwaite AL, May L, Reynolds CR, Hughes M, Brazier RE, Liu S, Hilton J, Hornby D, Bennion H, Elliott A, Willby N, Dils RM, Pope L, Fozzard I and Phillips G. Risk Assessment Methodology for Determining Nutrient Impacts in Surface Freshwater Bodies. Environment Agency, Bristol, ISBN: 1 84432 415 X., 171 pp.
14. Heathwaite, A. L., McKenna, P., Brazier, R., Krause, S., Liu, S., Lord, E., Johnes, P. J., Wood, G. (2007) Application and evaluation of the Phosphorus Indicators Tool at catchment, river basin and national scales. (in press).
1. Liu, S., Butler, D., Memon, F.A. and Makropoulos, C. K. (2007). Exploring the water saving potential of domestic greywater reuse systems. 4TH IWA Specialist Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Urban Water Supply (Efficient 2007), Jeju Island, Korea, 20-23 May, 2007,
2. Memon, F.A., Makropoulos, C. K., Liu, S., Fewtrell, L., Hurley, L., Mounce, S., Morley, M. S. and Butler, D. (2007). Decision support tools for the delivery of sustainable urban water management in new developments, International Conference on Whole Life Urban Sustainability and its Assessment, Sue-Mot Conference, 27-29 June, Glasgow, UK.
3. Liu, S., Makropoulos, C., Memon, F. A. and Butler, D. (2007) A storage tank sizing tool for grey water recycling systems. International Conference for Computing and Control for the Water Industry and Sustainable Urban Water Management, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK.
4. Memon, F.A., Butler, D., Liu, S., Sim, P., Parsons, J., Kellagher, R., Boonya-Aroonnet, S., Millan, A.M. (2007) Sustainability investigation tools for water management in new developments. International Conference on Whole Life Urban Sustainability and its Assessment, Sue-Mot Conference, 27-29 June, Glasgow, UK
5. Liu, S., Makropoulos, C., Butler, D., Memon, F. and Fidar, A. (2006) An object based household water cycle model: concept and construction. Urban Drainage Modelling and Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 3 – 7 April.
6. Shirly-Smith, C. Liu, S. 2006. Green Roof Water Recycling System – GROW. 5th IWA Beijing Congress, Beijing.
7. Makropoulos, C. K., Liu, S., Natsis, K, Memon, F. A. and Butler, D (2006) Supporting the choice, siting and evaluation of sustainable drainage systems in new urban developments. Urban Drainage Modelling and Water Sensitive Urban Design Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 3 – 7 April.
8. Memon, F.A, Fidar, A., Littlewood, L., Makropoulos, C., Liu, S and Butler, D. (2006). Physical model application for the performance investigation of small bore sewers. 7th International Conference on Urban Drainage Modelling and 4th International conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design. Melbourne, Australia,3 – 7 April.
9. Liu, S., Butler D., Makropoulos C. and Memon F. (2005) An excel-matlab based decision making framework and its application in urban water management, CCWI2005, Vol 2, 21-26, Exeter, UK.
10. Memon, F. A., Butler, D., Makropoulos, C., Liu S. and Avery L. (2005) Decision support for the sustainable urban environment: Modelling the economic viability of grey water systems. EPSRC Research Fellows’ Conference, 28th Feb.
11. Avery, L., Pidou, M., Jeffrey, P., Memon, F., Liu, S and Jefferson, B. (2005) Selection of robust technologies for urban. EPSRC Research Fellows’ Conference, 28th Feb.
12. Pidou, M., Avery, L.M., Stephenson, T., Jeffrey, P., Liu, S, Memon, F. and Jefferson, B.The efficacy of adsorption processes for greywater reuse in urban environments. IWA Young Researchers conference, Leeds, UK. April 6th-7th, 2005.
13. Avery, L.M., Frazer-Williams R.A.D., Winward, G., Shirley-Smith, C., Liu, S. and Jefferson, B. (2005). Constructed wetlands for grey water recycling. Workshop on ‘Wastewater Treatment in Wetlands – theoretical and practical aspects’, Starbienino, Poland Sept 10-17, 2005
14. Frazer-Williams, R., Avery, L., Jeffrey, P., Shirley-Smith, C., Liu, S., and Jefferson, B. (2005). “Constructed wetlands for urban grey water recycling.” In: Proceedings of First International Conference on Sustainable Urban Wastewater Treatment and Reuse. September, 15-17, 2005, Nicosia-Cyprus.
15. Liu, S., Heathwaite, A.L., Brazier, R., Dils, R., Pope, L., Phillips, G., Carvalho, L., (2004) Pressures and impacts of diffuse agricultural phosphorus sources on freshwaters. Joint Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Scottish Agriculture College Biennial conference. 24-25, March.
16. Liu, S., Braizer, R., Heathwaite, L., (2003) Implications of uncertainty and parameter sensitivity for predictions of phosphorus loss at the catchment scale. 7th International Conference on GeoComputation, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK 8-10 September 2003.
17. Liu, S., Tucker, P., Mansell, M. and Hursthourse, A. (2002) A new method of simulating nitrate transport in diffuse pollution and its integration with a GIS. 3rd European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, Dec 11-14, Geneva, Switzerland.
18. Liu, S., Tucker, P, Mansell, M. and Hursthourse, A., (2001) Application of a water quality model in the White Cart Water Catchment. The 19th European Meeting of SEGH, April 2001, UK.
19. Liu, S., Tucker, P, Mansell, M. and Speris, D., Application of an urban water quality model. (2001) International Conference on Environmental Concerns and Emerging Abatement Technologies, Sep 12-15, Beijing, China.