Degree in civil hydraulic engineering (1970)
Member of the Association of Engineers of the Province of Padua
no. 698 from 1971
Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian division of IWA
– International Water Association
Author of over 30 scientific publications and international
congress proceedings.
Official member of Italian Delegations at international
conferences such as: World Water Forums in Kyoto (March 2003)
and Mexico City (March 2006), UN Conference on Sustainable
Development in New York (April 2004 and April 2005)
Over thirty years of experience as coordinator of
multidisciplinary projects in Italy and abroad in the field of
hydraulic and environmental engineering.
In Italy he drew up several clean-up plans (Venice Lagoon, Garda
lake, coastal areas of Sicily and Sardinia, etc.), and plans for
water leakage detection (Apulian and Umbrian Aqueduct, etc.),
rehabilitation programmes for networks (Sassari, Brescia,
Mantua, etc.), environment plans (Ancona, Belluno, Savona, etc.)
and designed more than a hundred water supply, collection and
treatment systems.
At international level he coordinated numerous operating plans
and applied research programmes, financed by various
institutions (European Commission, World Bank, European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development, UN Agencies, Ministries of
Foreign Affairs and of the Environment) and in various countries
(Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Mauritius, China, Thailand, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Serbia, Rumania, Albania), among which the “Management
system of the Chinese Ministry of Water Resources for the
diversion of the water from South to North China” and the
“Restoration of the Gardens of Eden” in Mesopotamia.
在国际上,奥古斯塔先生参与了多个运营项目并应用研究系统。这些项目包括(世界银行,欧洲改造及建设银行,联合国机构,欧委会和多个国家的外交部环境司包括阿尔及利亚,埃及,伊拉克,毛里求斯,中国,泰国,保加利亚,克罗地亚,塞尔利亚,罗马尼亚,阿尔巴尼亚)。并且荣幸得参与了中国政府的“南北水调”工程和美索不达米亚的“伊甸园恢复”工程园恢复”工程园恢复”工程 |